Health Center Quality Leader Award
For the seventh year in a row, Sunrise Community Health received multiple awards for the quality of its services. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recognized Sunrise with the prestigious Gold Level Health Center Quality Leader award, placing Sunrise in the top 10% among all health centers in the nation for quality. Along with two additional quality awards for advancing health information technology and achieving Patient-Centered Medical Home status, these awards underscore Sunrise’s strong track record.

COVID19 Vaccinations
Administered vaccines to more than 70% of their 2020 reported UDS patient populations from April 10 to July 2, 2021, and have a response rate of at least 50% to the weekly Health Center COVID-19 Survey.

NCQA Advancing Health Information Technology for Quality Award
Advancing Health Information Technology for Quality Award 2022.
Meet all criteria to optimize HIT services that advance telehealth, patient engagement, interoperability, and collection of social determinants of health to increase access to care and advance quality of care.

NCQA Level 3 Patient Centered Medical Homes Award
All six of Sunrise’s eligible sites have been recognized as Level 3 Patient-Centered Medical Homes — the highest level of recognition — by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). The Patient-Centered Medical Home model puts patients at the center of care, where patients and the clinical team build relationships that lead to improved quality, a better patient experience, and reduced health care costs.

Outstanding Migrant Health Center Award
Sunrise Community Health was recognized as the 2021 Outstanding Migrant Health Center Award from the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC).
Sunrise was selected for the award from among the nearly 1,400 Community and Migrant Health Centers operating through almost 13,000 service delivery sites in every U.S. state, U.S. territory, and the District of Columbia - serving one million migrant and seasonal agricultural workers and nearly 30 million people nationwide.

Colorado Public Health Assoc. Lifetime Achievement Award
We are very proud of our Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Mark Wallace, for this well-deserved award. Recently retired after 28 years as the Executive Director for the Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment, he is now serving as Sunrise’s Chief Clinical Officer. From a long tenure as former Chair of the Sunrise Board of Directors to serving as the CEO/CMO of the North Colorado Health Alliance to sitting on the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission in 2006, his tireless work has made a lasting impact on public health in Colorado. For complete details, please see the award announcement.

Jack Meakins Community Service Award (Evans Area Chamber of Commerce
For outstanding community service. 2022
Bizwest Health Care Heroes Award in Community Service
For leadership focusing on a particular health care issue or need, and fulfilling a need that might otherwise not have been met. 2021

Recognition by the U.S. Census Bureau, as an invaluable member of the 2020 Census Community Partnership and Engagement Program (2020)
2020 GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency
Recognition from Centennial BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) for Sunrise’s leadership and generous participation in support of Immigrant Community (2019)
Community Champion Recognition by Greeley-Evans School District 6 (2018)
Community Champions for Behavioral Health by North Range Behavioral Health (2016)
City of Greeley’s Excellence in Community Design Awards (2015)
Consistent messaging and communications in multiple languages; on-site interpretation in 20+ languages
Renamed outreach services to Sunrise Cesar Chavez Outreach Program as a symbol of our long-standing commitment to migrant and seasonal farmworkers’ access to health care
Support Centennial BOCES Migrant Education Program’s community immigration forums
Actively promoting and participating in Census 2020 and Voting Registration efforts
Opened two new School-Based Health Centers, Bond Children’s Clinic in Greeley and the Thompson Health Clinic in Loveland - both located in high-need schools (2019)
Partnered with North Range Behavioral Health, Centennial Mental Health Centers, and Salud Family Health Centers to create Northeast Health Partners, the only provider-owned Regional Accountable Entity in the State with some of the highest quality outcomes. (2017)
Collaborated with Catholic Charities of Northern Colorado to co-locate a Housing Navigation Center at Monfort Family Clinic to serve those experiencing housing insecurity (2016)
Partnered with the North Colorado Health Alliance’s CO-SLAW project to maintain vital connection to Medication Assisted Treatment for substance use disorder, behavioral health services, and residential treatment (2016)