(Women, Infants, and Children)

WIC is The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, a federally funded program with a goal to help keep pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children under 5 healthy. It’s free for moms, dads, grandparents, foster parents and all Colorado families who qualify. Whether you're pregnant, already a mom or raising a child younger than 5, you can get the right personalized support for you and your family.
WIC Provides:
Free, Healthy Foods
Monthly food benefits specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of our target population.
Some of the foods WIC families receive include fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and yogurt, egg, whole grains and more!
Nutrition Education
WIC gives you access to a community of nutrition experts and peers who can help provide you with nutrition advice to help meet your nutrition goals for your family.
WIC provides nutrition counseling for a variety of common childhood feeding issues such as transitioning to solids, weaning, dealing with picky eaters, and much more.
Breastfeeding Support
WIC provides breastfeeding education and support to pregnant and breastfeeding women
Highly trained breastfeeding professionals to help you through any challenges you encounter on your breastfeeding journey
Free breast pump loan program
Support for families no matter how you chose to feed your baby!
Referrals to care beyond WIC
WIC has a network of community partners to help your family with a variety of individual needs.
For more information on Weld County WIC Services Visit - http://www.weldcountywic.com/
If you are in Larimer County Visit - https://www.larimer.org/health/maternal-child-and-family-health/wic
WIC takes your rights very seriously and want you to know what they are: